There's an old sports cliche that says it's not over until the final whistle or horn.
Apparently, that doesn't hold true when it comes to planning a victory parade.
A company in south Florida is already soliciting workers for a Miami Heat victory parade via Craigslist.
That's right. The unnamed company wants people to sell Heat Championship gear during the parade IF AND WHEN it happens.
While it's doubtful the group has any ties to the team, it seems ill-advised to start advertising for something that may or may not happen. Last time I checked you have to win four games for a title, not two.
Still, the company deserves some credit for creatively borrowing from its new Heat hero, "WE NEED YOU--NBA CHAMPIONSHIP PARADE. TAKE YOU TALENTS TO SOUTH BEACH."
An eternity ago in sports years, the City of Dallas prematurely released a map of the Mavs victory parade route in 2006. That didn't pan out too well.
Even if you don't care for the NBA, you've gotta root for the Mavs now, even if it's just so you can smile at some real life irony.
How can you not root for Dallas? Dirk, Kidd and Peja nearing the end of their illustrious careers, Mark Cuban keeping his mouth shut (finally), the Cowgirls suffering through a terrible run, the stupid Heatles, Pat Riley getting it shoved in his face, and you get to root against Chris Bosh who is basically the black version of Pau Gasol.
My favorite storyline is J-Kidd who got absolutely destroyed by the Lakers in the finals in '02 (I think) and deserves a title more than anyone in the league IMO. He's a class act, he's from the Bay Area and he's old enough to be some player's father. Add in Dirk's gutsy performance last night and the LeBron's mind games and this is turning into a really fun series!
I agree Burke, this is a super fun series. I don't love Dallas, though. Kidd is cool. I've always liked that guy. I really can't stand Terry and Dirk doesn't do anything for me. That said, Miami's attempt to buy title(s) represents everything that's wrong with the NBA. What is awesome is that it's a very solid series and, at least relative to previous Lakers-Celtics football-like Finals matchups, darn good fun. In the absence of the Lakers vs. Wizards, I'll take this series over last year's any day.
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