Tuesday, September 14, 2010

With sports, it's still crazy

Admiral Ackbar is back!

Unfortunately, it's not because he's going to be named the official mascot at the University of Mississippi. Lucasfilm killed that idea, disallowing the famed Star Wars General's likeness to be seen on a college football sideline near you.

However, ESPN generally knows a good story when they see one and is telling the Ackbar story in commercial form. What's not to love really?

The Ole Miss mascot search continues, and they will probably settle for mascot likeness such as a bulldog, or tiger, or bear, oh my!

Anyway, here's the extended version of ESPN's Ole Miss/ Ackbar commercial (the shorter version first aired during the Boise State-Virginia Tech game):


Elizabeth said...

Bummer! When I saw the commercial all I could think of was the Big Bang Theory episode where Sheldon does his impression of him. It could have been a great thing! Booo Lucas Films Boooo!

Peter Burke said...

How about Sandra Bullock in The Blind Side?

Pete said...

Peter, I like what you're thinking. But I doubt Sandra Bullock would be up for it. I think Ole Miss should court Disney and become the Rebel Pirates. Then their mascot could be Captain Jack Sparrow or Barbossa or Gibbs for that matter. Come on Rebels are unruly and ungovernable, so are pirates. It's the next perfect match now that Adm. Ackbar is in a galaxy far, far away.

Nich said...

I like where the Ole Miss kids were going with this, but I think they're much more of a Jar Jar Binks team than an Admiral Ackbar kind of team... =)